Minggu, 01 November 2015

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon

Komodo, or more so-called Komodo dragons (Varanus), is the world's largest lizard species living on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara.Biawak this by natives of the island of Komodo also called by the name ora local.

Including family members Varanidae lizard, and klad Toxicofera, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, ie the tendency of the body meraksasanya certain animals that live on a small island linked to the absence of carnivorous mammals on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of his body, lizards occupying a top predator that dominates the ecosystem in which they live.

Komodo discovered by western researchers in 1910. She was great and the terrible reputation make them popular zoo. Habitat Komodo dragons in the wild have dwindled as a result of human activities and therefore IUCN incorporate dragons as a species vulnerable to extinction. Lizards are protected under Indonesian law and a national park, the Kruger National Park, established to protect them.

Komodo dragons are carnivores. Although they mostly eat carrion, research shows that they also hunt live prey with a stealthy approach followed by a sudden attack against the victim. When the victim arrived at the nearby hidden dragons, animals be assaulted on the underside or the throat. Komodo can find their prey using a sharp sense of smell, which can locate a dead or dying animals at a distance of up to 9.5 kilometers.

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