Minggu, 01 November 2015



Birds of paradise are members of the order Passeriformes family Paradisaeidae. They are found in eastern Indonesia, Torres Strait Islands, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. Bird of family members is known as the male bird feathers in many species, especially fur highly elongated and elaborate that grew out of the beak, wings or head. Bird of Paradise sizes ranging from Cendrawasih king at 50 grams and 15 cm to Cendrawasih half-crescent Black at 110 cm and Cendrawasih Manukod crested-rolled at 430 grams.

Bird of Paradise is the most famous member of the genus Paradisaea, including the type species, yellow-large Cendrawasih, Paradisaea apoda. This kind described from specimens brought to Europe on a trade expedition. This specimen was prepared by native traders by removing the wings and legs that can be decorated. It is not known by the explorers and give rise to the belief that this bird never landed, but remain in the air because of the feathers. This is the origin of the name bird of paradise ('bird of paradise' by the British) and the type name apoda - which means 'legless'.

Many species have elaborate mating ritual, the mating system types Paradisaea are male birds gather to compete shows its beauty in female birds to be mating. While other types such as the types Cicinnurus and parotia have irregular mating dance. Male birds in the sexually dimorphic species are polygamous. Many birds hybrids described as a new species, and some species kevalidannya doubt.
The number of eggs a little less certain. On this kind of great, perhaps almost always one egg. Small type can produce as much as 2-3 eggs (Mackay 1990).

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon

Komodo, or more so-called Komodo dragons (Varanus), is the world's largest lizard species living on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara.Biawak this by natives of the island of Komodo also called by the name ora local.

Including family members Varanidae lizard, and klad Toxicofera, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, ie the tendency of the body meraksasanya certain animals that live on a small island linked to the absence of carnivorous mammals on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of his body, lizards occupying a top predator that dominates the ecosystem in which they live.

Komodo discovered by western researchers in 1910. She was great and the terrible reputation make them popular zoo. Habitat Komodo dragons in the wild have dwindled as a result of human activities and therefore IUCN incorporate dragons as a species vulnerable to extinction. Lizards are protected under Indonesian law and a national park, the Kruger National Park, established to protect them.

Komodo dragons are carnivores. Although they mostly eat carrion, research shows that they also hunt live prey with a stealthy approach followed by a sudden attack against the victim. When the victim arrived at the nearby hidden dragons, animals be assaulted on the underside or the throat. Komodo can find their prey using a sharp sense of smell, which can locate a dead or dying animals at a distance of up to 9.5 kilometers.

Orang Utan

Orang Utan

Orang utan (or orangutans, another name is introspection) is a kind of great apes with long arms and hairy reddish or brown, which live in the tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, particularly on the island of Borneo and Sumatra

The term "orangutan" is taken from the words in the Malay language, the 'person' means human and "utan" which means forest. Orang utan includes two sub-species, the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) and orangutan Kalimantan (Borneo) (Pongo pygmaeus). What is unique is the orangutan has a close kinship to humans at levels kingdom animalia, where orang utan have DNA similarity rate of 96.4%. Orangutan including vertebrate animals, which means that they have a spine. Orangutans also includes mammals and primates.

Orangutans are currently only found in Sumatra and Borneo, in Southeast Asia. Because the residence is a dense forest, it is difficult to estimate the number of population tepat.Di Borneo, the orangutan population is estimated at about 55,000 individu.Di Sumatra, the number is estimated at around 200 individuals. This happens due to excessive land clearing.

Javan Tiger

Javan Tiger

Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) is a living tiger subspecies limited (endemic) in Java . This tiger was declared extinct in around the 1980s, due to hunting and the development of agricultural land which reduces drastically the habitat of these animals.

Compared with other types of tigers in the Asian continent, accounting for smallish Java tiger. But this tiger has a body size that is larger than the Bali tiger and approximately as large as the Sumatran tiger. Javan tiger males weigh 100-140 kg, while females are lighter weight, between 75-115 kg. Head and body length of about 200-245 cm male animals; females are slightly smaller.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the tiger is still a lot of wandering in Java. In the 1940s, the Javanese tigers are found only in remote forests. There are efforts to save the tiger by opening several national parks. However, the size of the park is too small and too little tiger prey. In the 1950s, when the population of Javan tigers live only 25 tail, approximately 13 cows were in Ujung Kulon National Park. Ten years later this figure is shrinking. In 1972, there were only about seven tigers that live in Meru National Park Betiri.

The latest census of tigers Java conducted over one year, ie since 1999-2000. The survey took place over 12 months in Betiri Meru National Park, East Java, at the request of the national parks head straight, Indra Arinal, and is supported by the Director of the Conservation of Flora and Fauna, Ir. Koes Saparjadi, because of the reports of some of the national park staff and local residents suspected that the Javanese tigers still exist.

A total of 12 park staff trained with 20 units equipped with a camera, but it also received help from the foundation "The Tiger Foundation" in the form of 15 units of infrared cameras in order to facilitate the census effort.

Census says: There are no Javan tigers, only slightly prey, many poachers.

Javan Rhino

Java Rhino

The rhino or rhinoceros-one small (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. This rhino into the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros and has similar mosaicked skin which resembles armor. The rhino has a length of 3.1 to 3.2 m and height of 1.4 to 1.7 m. The rhino is smaller than the Indian rhinoceros and closer in a large body with a black rhino. Horn size is usually less than 20 cm, smaller than horn rhino

This rhino rhino was once one of Asia's most widely spread. Although called "the rhino", is not limited to animals living on the island of Java alone, but throughout the country, throughout Southeast Asia and India and China. The species is now critically endangered, with only two known populations in the wild, and none in zoos. This rhino is probably the rarest mammals on earth.


The rhino is smaller than its cousin, the Indian rhinoceros, and has a great body which is close to a black rhino. Javan rhinoceros body length (including the head) can be from 3.1 to 3.2 m and reaches a height of 1.4 to 1.7 m. Adult rhino reportedly weighs between 900 and 2,300 kilograms. Research to collect accurate measurements Javan rhinoceros was never done and not a priority. [4] There is a big difference between the sexes, but female Javan rhino his size may be larger. Rhino in Vietnam is smaller than in Java based on research evidence through photographs and measurements of their footprints.